What is the Heritage-Education & Welcome Center?

bringing back downtown Johnsonburg

The Johnsonburg Community Trust’s office is now located in our newly built out Heritage-Education & Welcome Center. Located on the corner of Bridge and Market Streets, in the 45,000 sq ft historic Brick Block this space will be a gathering location for JCT activities/office space, incubator site for other non-profit organizations, welcome center, retail shop for regionally offered products, historical displays and education. Heritage influenced/themed markets, festivals, displays Farmers’ Markets and pop-ups are going to present regional visual arts, traditional crafts/foods, educational activities, and live performing artists to enlighten, entertain and enrich the community while preserving and demonstrating Johnsonburg’s historical and living cultural heritage inside/outside of this essential space.

Grand opening of the Heritage-Education & Welcome Center, July 11th, 2024. This location would draw people into the “downtown” area of the community as well as promote the region’s rich landscape, small businesses and events.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Armstrong Brick Block (BB), has been owned by the Johnsonburg Community Trust (JCT) since 2020. The preservation/restoration/renovation/rehabilitation of this magnificent structure is almost completed with a soft opening soon and a grand opening planned during the 20th Alumni & Friends Friday Event, July 12th.

Authentic places are meant to accurately reflect the identity, character, and collective heritage of a region leaving its residents and visitors feeling as if they are in a completely unique, essential and thriving environment. An authentic place is genuine and has recognizable cultural characteristics. WE are an authentic place building up our community for real people to have pleasant, memorable and authentic experiences bringing them back and possibly keeping them here.

To help the JCT continue this project please send donations to:
Johnsonburg Community Trust
PO Box 43
Johnsonburg, PA 15845

*memo: HEC brick block project

Venmo: @johnsonburgcommunitytrust

or online: